“A 40oz to freedom is the only chance I have to feel good...” – Sublime

“...two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds.” – Henry Rollins

“Adult males > 200lbs” – 70’s Big

Thursday, February 21, 2013

- Bench: 113 x 2 (3rd rep fail)
- Weighted Chin: 43 x 3 x 3
- Weighted Dip: 45 x 3/40 x 3/35 x 3


Total disaster of a session. Today was a bit of a reality check for the following reasons:

My regular grip bench is weaker after benching exclusively with a close grip. I stupidly thought I could hit a PR triple at 113 but failed. After this I was pissed off, not because I failed but because I made stupid decisions.

My touch and go max is irrelevant to competition, obviously. I’d say my true 1RM paused bench is about 115 - TOPS. So, intensity day bench is going to consist of 5 paused singles, probably starting at about 108. My volume bench will continue to be touch and go with the first rep paused as I have been doing. I will continue progressing the 5 paused singles across until a stall feels immanent, then reduce it to 3 across followed by a lighter double, then 2 across and lighter triple, then 1 top single followed by 2 lighter doubles. This should take me up till about the meet.

I would also like to put it out there that I am considering that I may do better on a 3 day per week full body set up, as opposed to a 4 day split. If I look at my training history, it does appear that I make better progress on a 3 day set up. There isn't enough conclusive evidence to conclude this categorically, but it is something I am aware of.

Furthermore I have to accept that week to week progress is less and less a reality for my bench and press. Which means after this next run of weekly progression I’m going to have to look at some early advanced programming, so something like Andy Baker just recently mentioned: 

“2 weeks of loading (stress) - 1 deload week (recovery) - PR week (fully adapted to stress of two loading weeks, set new PRs)”.

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