“A 40oz to freedom is the only chance I have to feel good...” – Sublime

“...two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds.” – Henry Rollins

“Adult males > 200lbs” – 70’s Big

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

400lb deadlift for reps

- Press: 76/167 x 3 x 3 (PR?) backed off with 60/132 x 8
- Sumo Deadlift: 182.5/402 x 6 (PR)
- EZ Curl/Tricep Extension Super Set: 35/77 x 3 x 10
- Conditioning: Sandbag Suicide Shuttle x 8 (45 second rest)

A fairly productive session today.

Press was the most I’ve ever pressed overhead.

However, I am reluctant to call it a PR as my calculated 1RM is still less than it was with my best set of 5 (163lbs). Can you really call more weight with fewer reps a PR if it equals a lower calculated 1RM? In my opinion: not really. For example, benching 225lbs for 5 and then benching 230lbs for 4 doesn’t really represent an increase in strength at all; in fact the latter has a lower projected 1RM.

Deadlift was definitely a PR. I could have gotten 8 reps or so, but even with the straps my grip was failing. I’m going to have to work on that.

Conditioning was pretty brutal.


  1. "Can you really call more weight with fewer reps a PR if it equals a lower calculated 1RM? In my opinion: not really".

    Wake the fuck up idiot.

  2. Lol. I honestly believe you're kidding yourself if you think that it does. It's comforting and allows you to feel as if you have progressed, but in reality you haven't. Unfortunately as painful as it may be to admit, its the harsh truth of the matter.
