“A 40oz to freedom is the only chance I have to feel good...” – Sublime

“...two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds.” – Henry Rollins

“Adult males > 200lbs” – 70’s Big

Monday, February 18, 2013

- Bench: 96 x 5 x 5
- Press: 60 x 2 x 8
- DB Row: 45 x 15/42 x 2 x 10
- 6 Way Shoulder Raise: 3 x 10
- Barbell Curl: 3 x 5 


Started nice and light today as a few changes are taking place - 

1) My left shoulder/pec has been better for a while now, so I’m returning to benching with a regular grip. 

2) I am benching every week now. At first, volume day will consist of 5x5 bench followed by 2 sets of 6-8 on the press, as outlined by Andy Baker. This may then change/rotate to 3x5 or 3x3 ascending/descending sets for my press. Intensity day will be something heavy for bench, something heavy for press as well as heavy weighted dips or some heavy close grip. 

I HATE having to put my press after my bench, however if I want to compete this year (got my eye on a couple of meets in June before my internship) I ‘m going to have to prioritise bench. Furthermore, when rotating bench and press each week as I’ve been doing, there’s just too much time between sessions to make accurate observations and tweak effectively.

3) When progress slows or if this proves less than optimal, this setup will evolve into a reduced volume bench of 3 x 5 and have the rest of my set up essentially resemble that outlined in figure 3.14, page 41 of TM Advanced by J Lascek.

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